The Role of Transpersonal Psychology in Coaching #ORadio

Published: Nov. 17, 2015, 3:04 a.m.

b'Ostrolenk continues previous conversations with Coach Kiki on transpersonal psychology, and the various models he uses in his work as a coach. Transpersonal therapy seeks to open believers up to a greater reality than the one currently known; the focus is not on specific mythical or religious beliefs, but rather how a person can develop their own personal journey and use behaviors to live fulfilling lives. Incorporating this in to his work, Ostrolenk describes the five pillars he seeks to explore with his coaching clients: diet and nutrition, sleep patterns, movement and exercise, stress management, and social life. Ostrolenk then gives various examples of the work that can be done with this holistic approach. Although not used in his work, Ostrolenk also explains the use of psychedelics and various medicines in helping a personal to unlock from set patterns of behavior and thought. Ostrolenk concludes with some overarching ideas that are key to successful coaching, including accountability, truly hearing and knowing a personal, and having gratitude.'