#57: Radio Show: Meb's 17 Different Million-Dollar Fintech Ideas

Published: June 14, 2017, 5 p.m.

Episode 57 is another "radio show" format, yet this one is different than our others.

In this episode, Meb discusses his 17 different "million-dollar" fintech ideas. In essence, Meb has had various business ideas over the years which he's wanted to pursue, but hasn't had the time. Some he's tweeted about, some he's blogged about, others he's kept to himself. But in Episode 57, he'll run through all 17, diving into more detail.

Can a listener take one and run with it? Sure. Let us know how it works out! Or work on it with us. We're open to ideas.

Either way, here are the 17 concepts:

  1. Our new "podcast compilation" idea
  2. Liquid alts newsletter
  3. Quant backtester
  4. Tax harvesting
  5. Best ideas newsletter
  6. Research boutique for crowdfunding companies
  7. Syndicate podcast/newsletter
  8. Ruykeyser reborn
  9. The Street 2.0
  10. HedgeFundLetters.com
  11. NewsLetterSampler.com
  12. Tactical roboadvisor
  13. Free Acorns/Stash clone
  14. Free ETF trading brokerage
  15. FreeShares ETFs
  16. Quant cookbook
  17. The "Forever" fund

Are all of these ideas good? (We have our doubts...)

But find out for yourself in Episode 57.