1698: The V-Word: Concerns, PEG, Injury, Marketing Shot, And Details You Aren’t Hearing

Published: Feb. 2, 2021, 1:47 p.m.

Episode 1698

In Episode 1698 of The LLVLC Show, we have a smorgasbord of information that Jimmy shared on his JIMMY RANTS show all about "the V word".

“Are we going to have to go through this process every 3 or 4 weeks for the rest of our lives?”

 - Jimmy Moore

Are you concerned about the Covid-19 vaccination? Are you ready to get yours? As we hear in this special presentation of JIMMY RANTS on the LLVLC Show, Jimmy talks all about some of the concerns that people are having about this new preventative for the dreaded virus.

In this episode of JIMMY RANTS on IGTV, Jimmy reads from several outstanding articles, one from an Australian science journalist named Anthony Colpo who provides some relevant information that you may not be hearing about regarding "the v-word" for "91-DIVOC". You’ll learn why this is not like other v-words, how Phase 3 clinical trials for this are still ongoing until 2023, The known autoimmune disease-inducing side effects from one of the active ingredients that has never been put in a v-word before, their full knowledge that older frail people would die after taking this, and a whole lot more. This episode is packed with some important information to help you decide whether you want to get the jab in the arm or not. We also talk about other concerns that you might not know about. Make your decision fully informed. Knowledge is power!⁣