1610: New Study Finds Just One Cheat Meal On Keto Causes Blood Vessel Damage

Published: Feb. 6, 2020, 12:39 p.m.

Episode 1610

"This new research is making a strong case for staying in ketosis all the time."

- Jimmy Moore

Many people who go on a low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet like to have a cheat on the weekends, one day, or even a single meal each week. But new research from the University of British Columbia concludes that may not be such a great idea because it could cause damage to your blood vessels from the glucose response. Learn more of the details of this new study in today's episode.

On the keto diet? Ditch the cheat day, study says: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-03-keto-diet-ditch-day.html

Pursuing a constant state of nutritional ketosis is the recommendation of health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore especially for people who have damage to their bodies from poor nutrition and lifestyle choices in their past. Listen to get more details about what this small but important science of ketogenic diets means to your health in this episode.

Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sabbatical so we are bringing you some of the best content from Jimmy’s daily show JIMMY RANTS. Be sure to bookmark JimmyRants.com and dig through all of the content there during Jimmy’s time away.