Young People + Labor Unions

Published: Dec. 1, 2021, 7:56 p.m.

Today's guest hosts are Charlotte Hancock and Emily Leach, Communications Director and Communications Manager for Generation Progress.

At Generation Progress, they’ve talked before about some of the unique problems that Millennials and Generation Z have faced as they’ve entered the workforce. These include multiple recessions that have hit their generations especially hard, to threats of discrimination that disproportionately impact their generations (which are the most diverse generations in American history), to financial insecurity that results from a dramatically insufficient minimum wage and a lack of workplace protections.

During today's episode, Charlotte and Emily dive a little deeper into the role that labor unions can and do play in all of this, and why young people in particular are demonstrating an interest in organizing and joining unions.

To talk more with them about labor unions, organizing, and young people, they are joined by two expert guests.
They are David Madland, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and the strategic director at the American Worker Project, as well as Jeff Uehlinger, an organizer with SEIU Local 509.

Generation Progress' website is and their Twitter handle is @GenProgress. Charlotte Hancock's Twitter handle is @CharlatAnne and Emily Leach's handle is @emilyfleach. David's Twitter handle is @DavidMadland, the handle for American Progress is @amprog, and the handle for the American Worker Project is @AmerWorker. The Twitter handle for SEIU Local 509 is @SEIU509.