Why Trump Got 5 Draft Deferments, Plus NRA's Effect On 2016 Elections

Published: Aug. 4, 2016, 9:05 p.m.

Cliff Schecter guest hosts the show today. In addition to being Founder and President of the public relations and political strategy firm, Libertas LLC, he is also a regular guest of Leslie's on the show.

Cliff is joined by two different guests during this hour.

First, he's joined by Dr. Lee Rogers, a board-certified Podiatrist and an author who also ran for Congress as a Democrat in California’s 25th district in 2012. His Twitter handle is @LeeRogersCA.

The two discuss Donald Trump’s draft deferment in 1968 during the Vietnam War for bone spurs in his heels. It was one of five deferments for Trump, the four others being for College.

Cliff's other guest this hour is Renee Hopkins, Executive Director of The Alliance for Gun Responsibility. Their website is www.gunresponsibility.org and their Twitter handle is @WaGunResponsib.

Cliff and Renee discuss ballot measures around the country that her organization has helped pass, the good that they’ve done to help save lives, and what work remains to be done.

Cliff Schecter has worked on campaigns or as a public relations consultant for everyone from former President Bill Clinton to former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation.

Schecter is the author of the 2008 Bestseller "The Real McCain," a columnist for The Daily Beast and sits on the Board of the Ohio Innocence Project.
His Twitter handle is @CliffSchecter.

(Image Credit: New York Military Academy)