Why Bernie Sanders Should Keep Running

Published: April 26, 2016, 3:28 a.m.

Mark Grimaldi, Executive Producer of The Leslie Marshall Show, guest hosts for Leslie during this interview.

He's joined by D.D. Guttenplan, the Editor at Large at The Nation who has been covering the presidential campaign for the magazine since August. The two discuss D.D.'s article for 'The Nation' entitled "Bernie Sanders Is Not Going to Be President of the United States—He Should Keep Running Anyway."

D.D. Guttenplan's most recent book is "The Nation: A Biography." (Published in April of 2015) He is also also the author of "American Radical: The Life and Times of I.F. Stone." Both are available at Amazon.com.
D.D.'s Twitter handle is @DDGuttenplan and the handle for 'The Nation' is @TheNation. Their website is www.TheNation.com.

Mark Grimaldi's Twitter handle is @MarkJGrimaldi.

(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)