The Trump Administration's Dangerous Attack on Clean Water

Published: Sept. 18, 2019, 7:03 p.m.

Today's guest hosts are Charlotte Hancock, Communications Director for Generation Progress, and Brent Cohen, Executive Director of Generation Progress and the VP of the Center for American Progress.

They discuss the Trump administration's new rollback of a major Obama-era clean water regulation, the Waters of the United States rule, which placed limits on polluting chemicals that could be used near streams, wetlands and other bodies of water. The rollback will likely take effect in the next few weeks, and will result in polluters no longer needing a permit to discharge potentially harmful substances into many streams and wetlands. This is just the latest example of the systematic effort by the current administration to dismantle environmental protections put in place by the Obama administration.

The rollback is extremely dangerous—and we know this because many places in this country, like Flint, Michigan, already lack access to safe, clean drinking water, which has been disastrous for those communities.

To talk about this water protection rollback and who stands to gain and lose the most from it, Brent and Charlotte are joined by Andrew Grinberg, the National Campaigns Special Projects Manager at Clean Water Action, and Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, the Executive Director at the Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN).

The website for Clean Water Action is and their Twitter handle is @cleanh2oaction.  Andrew's handle is @AndrewBGrinberg.  CEHN's website is and their Twitter handle is @CEHN.

The website for "The Center for American Progress" is and their Twitter Handle is @amprog.

Charlotte Hancock's Twitter handle is @CharlatAnne and Brent Cohen's handle is @BrentJCohen.

Image Credit: Brandon Thibodeaux for The New York Times