The Fight for Housing Justice Campaign

Published: March 11, 2020, 6:57 p.m.

Today's guest hosts are Edwith Theogene, Organizing Director for Generation Progress, and Charlotte Hancock, Communications Director for Generation Progress.

They discuss a proposed rule change from the Trump administration’s Department of Housing and Early Development (HUD), and why many people are fighting back against it.  To take a closer look at the proposed rule change and its potential consequences, they’re joined by two experts from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, policy analyst Sonya Acosta and senior advisor Ed Gramlich.

The website for the National Low Income Housing Coalition is and their Twitter handle is @nlihc.  Sonya Acosta's Twitter handle is @ssmiacosta and Ed Gramlich's handle is @Regs_Ed.

The website for "Generation Progress" is and their Twitter Handle is @GenProgress.  Edwith Theogene's Twitter handle is @WhoIsEdwith and Charlotte Hancock's handle is @CharlatAnne.