The Danger Of Trump's 'Rigged Election' Claims

Published: Oct. 18, 2016, 7:04 p.m.

Mark Grimaldi, Executive Producer of The Leslie Marshall Show, guest hosts for Leslie during this interview.

He's joined by Political Strategist Brad Bannon and callers as they discuss:

- The danger of Donald Trump's 'rigged election' claims
- Why claims of voter fraud are massively overstated
- Melania Trump's comments that Billy Bush ‘egged on’ her husband to brag about sexually assaulting women, and even said “sometimes I said I have two boys at home. I have my young son and I have my husband.”

Brad runs Bannon Communications Research, a polling, message development and media firm which helps labor unions, progressive issue groups and Democratic candidates win public affairs and political campaigns.
He's also a senior adviser to and contributing editor for, the social media network for politics.
He lectures in Political Science at Salem State University in Salem, Massachusetts.

Brad's Twitter handle is @BradBannon and his website is

Mark Grimaldi's Twitter handle is @MarkJGrimaldi.

(Image Credit: Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images)