SCOTUS Nominee #NeilGorsuch: Enemy of Working Americans

Published: March 30, 2017, 6:49 p.m.

Leslie is joined by Stan Johnson, International Secretary-Treasurer of the USW.

The two are joined by callers as they discuss in detail why President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is not a friend of working Americans.

Unfortunately, Gorsuch’s record demonstrates him to be a corporatist who doesn’t stand up for working men and women. Leslie and Stan discuss three examples of the justice served up by Judge Gorsuch that should give any working American serious concern. The first involved a truck driver who was fired after nearly freezing to death in sub-zero cold in an unheated truck cab while awaiting a mechanic.

The second involved a lawyer and college professor who suffered breast cancer then leukemia, who was fired for not returning to work despite her doctor’s advice not to risk exposure to a flu epidemic on campus because her immune system was compromised.

The third involved an Autistic child that Gorsuch said it was okay for a school district to provide instruction to special-needs children that resulted in improvement so trivial as to be barely measurable.

USW President Leo Gerard wrote about these examples and more in his weekly blog for The Huffington Post. You can read it here:

Stan Johnson has served as International Secretary-Treasurer since May 6, 2009. He was re-elected to the position by acclamation in 2013.

As Secretary-Treasurer, Johnson oversees the finances of the USW. He also heads the USW’s award-winning grassroots legislative initiative, Rapid Response.

Johnson chairs the Rubber and Plastics Industry Conference, participating in major bargaining, including leading successful contract talks with the nation’s three largest tire makers in 2013. He also chairs the International Paper Conference and co-chairs the Georgia Pacific Council.

The website for the USW is Their Twitter handle is @Steelworkers. USW President Leo Gerard’s handle is @USWblogger.

(Image Credit: Associated Press/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)