Relaunch of Patriotic Millionaires University, Voter Attitudes on GOP Tax Scam

Published: Oct. 15, 2019, 7:05 p.m.

Leslie is joined by Morris Pearl, Chair of the Patriotic Millionaires, a group of hundreds of high-net-worth Americans who are committed to making all Americans better off by building a more prosperous, stable, and inclusive nation. The group focuses on promoting public policy solutions that encourage political equality, guarantee a sustaining wage for working Americans, and ensure that millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

Leslie and Morris discuss his organization's relaunch of 'Patriotic Millionaires University,' also known as PMU.  They created PMU as a one-stop-shop for polling, policy, and communication insights on the GOP tax scam. It was a winning message in 2018 and has never been more important or more effective with 2020 right around the corner.

Correspondingly, the Tax section of PMU has been improved with updated polling and new social media resources. Their new polling shows that as yet another return to the thoroughly-debunked theory of trickle-down economics, voters know the tax scam was never meant to help them.

Although they’ve added new resources to reflect new information from the last year, the central messaging has remained the same. The bottom line is this: the 2017 GOP tax scam continues to harm our economy and hold our country back, giving massive tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and multinational corporations at the great expense of American workers. In PMU, they make this case in a compelling format designed to keep candidates’ strategy a step ahead of the curve.

Keep an eye out for additional announcements as 2020 approaches. They are building out PMU to include their other first principles (a Living Wage and Political Equality). Those components will be up and running soon, complete with more facts, studies, and arguments to take on an economy rigged for the rich and powerful. By giving candidates the resources they need to talk about and run on these issues, they hope to put them not just at the center of the campaign strategy for candidates, but also their legislative agenda once they’re in office.

Since there has never been a more important time to be involved in the political process, they’ve also updated Patriotic Millionaires University for Citizens.
This grassroots-focused sister site to PMU is built to help all participants in our democracy fight inequality and build a more prosperous country for everyone.
You can find Patriotic Millionaires University (PMU) on the web at website for the Patriotic Millionaires is, their Instagram handle is @PatrioticMillionaires, and their Twitter handle is @PatrioticMills. Morris Pearl's Twitter handle is @Morris_Pearl.