Preview of Next Week's Supreme Court Hearing on Student Debt Cancellation

Published: Feb. 22, 2023, 8:01 p.m.

Today’s show will cover the highly anticipated Supreme Court cases that will determine the future of President Biden’s student debt cancellation plan.
Hear from SDCC leaders and their special guests, Executive Director of Young Invincibles, Kristin McGuire, and Senior Advisor for policy and strategy at the Student Borrower Protection Center (SPBC), Aissa Canchola Bañez. They’ll also be discussing the People’s Rally for Student Debt Cancellation, a grassroots event at the Supreme Court to show public support for student debt cancellation. They’ll speak with advocates to break down the argument for debt cancellation, why taking public action is essential, and dive into implications of this historic plan.

Today's SDCC guest hosts are President and Founder, Natalia Abrams, Executive Director, Cody Hounanian, and Managing Director, Sabrina Calazans.

The Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that centers the needs and voices of borrowers, and partners with allies, to impact public policy and end the student debt crisis.

The SDCC website is and their handle on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is @DebtCrisisOrg.

The Young Invincibles website is and their Twitter handle is @YoungInvincible.

The Student Borrower Protection Center's website is and their Twitter handle is @theSBPC.