Michele Jawando guests hosts, on the legacy of Loving v Virginia, and latest in healthcare fight

Published: June 29, 2017, 7:04 p.m.

Michele Jawando, a regular guest host for Leslie, is live today from the Center for American Progress.

In the first segment, she's joined by Sheryll Cashin, author of the book "Loving, Interracial Intimacy and the threat to White Supremacy," an expert on the legal battle to end laws against mixed race coupling.

They discuss the impact and legacy of the seminal Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia, finally declaring laws prohibiting miscegenation unconstitutional.

From there, Michele was joined by Maura Caslyn and Stacy Sanders, from the Center for American Progress and Medicare Rights Center respectively, on the ongoing battle in Washington over the Senate Healthcare Bill.

As there won't be a vote on it until after the July 4th recess, Michele, Sandy and Maura break down multiple angles as to how lawmakers can prevent the damaging legislation from becoming law, and how Senators on both sides of the political aisle are working to make the new health care law less punishing to the lower and middle classes.

Follow Michele on Twitter @MicheleJawando.