Leslie Takes Cognitive Test Trump Bragged About; Shifting Political Landscape in Ohio

Published: July 24, 2020, 6:46 p.m.

Leslie takes the 'Montreal Cognitive Assessment' on air.  This is the test that President Trump bragged about passing to Fox News' Chris Wallace during a recent interview. The test is frequently used by relatives, caregivers and medical professionals to test if someone is in cognitive decline.

Then, Leslie is joined by David Pepper, Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party. The two discuss whether Trump’s ongoing campaign troubles could see Ohio turn back into a swing state, the Ohio Speaker of the House being charged in a $60 million bribery investigation this week, why expanding 'Vote Drop Boxes' during the COVID-19 Pandemic is a common sense idea that protects the health and safety of voters and our elections, and finally David's new book, "The Voter File," which has received this high praise from President Bill Clinton: "Pepper comes through again with this clever tale of how cyber sabotage of elections, coupled with highly concentrated ownership of traditional media operations, can undermine American democracy."

"The Voter File" is available in HardCover, Audiobook, or Kindle Edition at Amazon.com.

David's Twitter handle is @DavidPepper and his website is DavidPepper.com.  The website for the Ohio Democratic Party is OhioDems.org.

(Image Credit: Richard Drew/AP)