Leslie Marshall interviews DNC's Adrienne Watson on New FBI Director Rejecting White House Claims

Published: May 12, 2017, 1:58 a.m.

Leslie is joined by Adrienne Watson, Deputy Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee and Head of their 'Trump War Room.'

The two discuss the latest on the Trump-Russia story. This includes acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe rejecting White House assertions that FBI employees had lost faith in James Comey, and that the bureau's probe into Russian election meddling was one of its most minor concerns.

The website for the Democratic National Committee is www.Democrats.org and their Twitter handle is @TheDemocrats. Adrienne's handle is @Adrienne_DNC.

The DNC also has a new call tool that you can use to call your Republican representatives and tell them to call for appointment of a special prosecutor at the DOJ and pass a bill to create an independent commission to investigate Russia’s interference in our elections and potential collusion with the Trump team. The website is https://makecalls.democrats.org/russia/

(Image Credit: AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)