'Law & Order' Under New DOJ and Diversity In New Administration with guest host Michele Jawando

Published: April 25, 2017, 6:58 p.m.

Michele L. Jawando guest hosts the show today. She is the Vice President for Legal Progress at American Progress.

Below are the topics she discussed, along with the guests she was joined by.

1. “Law and Order” under the new Department of Justice

Guest 1: Danyelle Solomon is the Director of Progress 2050, a project of the Center for American Progress that develops new ideas for an increasingly diverse America. (The United States will become a nation with no clear racial or ethnic majority by the year 2050. This expected transition provides the progressive movement with an exciting opportunity to help America live up to its ideals of equality and justice for all.)
Tweets: @DanyInDC

Guest 2: James Cadogan, Director of the NAACP’s Legal Defense and Education Fund
Tweets: @Caduggy

2. Evaluating the Trump Administration’s Diversity

Guest 1: Tiffany Cross, Curator for ‘The Beat DC,’ Washington’s Inclusive Political Pulse: A new, independent, must-read, DIVERSE, digital tipsheet
Tweets: @tifcrossmyheart

Guest 2: Don Bell, Director of Black Talent Initiative for the Joint Center on Economic & Political Studies
Tweets: @DBjd13

Michele Jawando's Twitter handle is @MicheleJawando. Before working at the Center for American Progress, she served as general counsel and senior advisor to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), where she was responsible for a wide-ranging portfolio of policy issues pertaining to the federal judiciary and nominations; voting rights; women and labor issues; LGBT issues; education; telecommunications; technology; and ethics.

The website for "The Center for American Progress" is www.AmericanProgress.org and their Twitter Handle is @amprog.