Latest on 2016 Presidential Race with Guest Host Nicholas Wapshott, Opinion Editor at Newsweek

Published: July 11, 2016, 8:02 p.m.

Nicholas Wapshott guest hosts the show today. In addition to being Opinion Editor of Newsweek and an author, he is also a regular guest of Leslie's on the show.

Nicholas is joined by five different guests today. Here is a list of the guests, along with the topics they discussed:

1. Sidney Blumenthal, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, a long-time confidant to Hillary Clinton, and a journalist, especially on American politics and foreign policy.

Nicholas and Sidney discuss the new book by Sidney entitled “A Self-Made Man: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln,” which is the first of four volumes. They also discuss the 2016 presidential race, and what direction the Republican party will go if Donald Trump loses this year’s election.

2. Matthew Cooper, Political Editor for Newsweek. His Twitter handle is @mattizcoop.

Nicholas and Matthew discuss the upcoming Republican National Convention and whether it will be the circus some expect. They also discuss the large list of prominent Republicans that are planning on skipping their party’s convention this year.

3. Sean Wilentz, one of the nation’s most prominent historians. His books and commentary on music, politics, and the arts have gained a wide reputation for their force, originality, and elegance. His Twitter handle is @seanwilentz.

Nicholas and Sean discuss the newest book by Sean entitled “The Politicians and the Egalitarians: the Hidden History of American Politics.”

4. Neil Buchanan, an economist and law professor.

Nicholas and Neil discuss a recent article of Neil’s exploring whether or not Donald Trump really wants to be President. They also discuss the dangerous bet that Republican leadership in the House and Senate have made, where they think they'll be able to control Trump if they can get him elected President.

5. Dave Denison, Associate Editor at The Baffler magazine and Editor at ‘The Washington Spectator.’ His Twitter handle is @DaveADenison.

Nicholas and Dave discuss a recent article that Dave wrote for ‘The Washington Spectator' entitled “13 Ways of Looking at Trump.” (

Nicholas Wapshott's newest book is titled "The Sphinx: Franklin Roosevelt, the Isolationists, and the Road to World War II." (Nicholas's book is available at and His Twitter handle is @NWapshott.

(Image Credit: Hillary Clinton / MGN // Cutout Photo: Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0)