Investors are Doing Great in this Crisis, But What About the Rest of Us?

Published: July 31, 2020, 6:36 p.m.

Leslie begins the show with her 'Ripped from the Headlines' news segment.

Here are the stories she covers during the segment:
1. WASHINGTON POST: "Postal Service backlog sparks worries that ballot delivery could be delayed in November"

2. AUDIO: President Obama yesterday, while delivering a eulogy for the late Congressman and Voting Rights Leader John Lewis, talks about how Lewis devoted his time on earth to fighting the very attacks on democracy that we're seeing circulate right now

3. VANITY FAIR: "Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame Governors"

4. ABC NEWS: "Teachers are writing their own obituaries as schools near reopening amid COVID-19"

Leslie is then joined by Dr. Robert Shapiro, Chairman of Sonecon, an economic advisory firm and a Senior Fellow of the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.

They discuss his newest piece for 'Washington Monthly,' which is titled, "Investors are Doing Great in this Crisis, But What About the Rest of Us?"

Dr. Shapiro is an internationally-known economist who has advised, among others, President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Jr., British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, and then U.S. Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He was Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs in the Clinton Administration.  His website is and his Twitter handle is @RobShapiro.

(Image Credit: Getty Images/Joe Raedle)