Infrastructure and American Workers

Published: June 15, 2021, 6:52 p.m.

Leslie is joined by Roy Houseman, Legislative Director for the United Steelworkers.

The two discuss infrastructure and American workers. 

When President Biden unveiled his 'American Jobs Plan' he took an expansive view of infrastructure that would help address some of the most pressing problems facing the country. Earlier this month, House Democrats unveiled their latest plan, a bill proposed by the members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that would address parts of the 'American Jobs Plan.' Last week, the bill passed out of committee.

President Biden is committed to reach a bipartisan solution, but by and large Republican counter-offers have so far been inadequate to address the scope of what the country needs. As these talks progress, it’s important that both sides keep their eye on the most important piece of an infrastructure investment: the American people.

There is enormous potential here not only to make American communities safer, but also create millions of jobs.
To do this, America will need to ensure this spending bolsters our critical supply chains and that the work relies on domestic procurement.
Done right, this legislation can also help to ensure that American workers are poised to take on the jobs of the future.

Roy Houseman has been a part of the union’s legislative and policy department since 2011, working on a broad array of issues including trade and pensions. Before coming to Washington, D.C., Roy worked at the former Smurfit-Stone paper mill in Missoula, Montana, serving as president of USW Local 885. After a trade related mill closure in 2010, he completed a Masters of Public Administration degree from the University of Montana using Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits. Roy’s efforts on aiding steelworkers qualify for Trade Adjustment Benefits has qualified over 10,000 union members across the country for work training because of trade impacts.

The website for the USW is and their handle on Twitter and Instagram is @steelworkers.