Implications of 8-Person Supreme Court on Americans

Published: Feb. 17, 2016, 5:55 p.m.

Mark Grimaldi, Executive Producer of The Leslie Marshall Show, guest hosts for Leslie during this interview.

He's joined by Ian Millhiser, a Senior Constitutional Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress and the Editor of ThinkProgress Justice.
Ian is the author of "Injustices: The Supreme Court's Nearly Unbroken History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted."

The two discuss the implications of a split Supreme Court (4 Liberals and 4 Conservatives) on a number of big cases affecting Immigration, Abortion, Birth Control, Unions, Re-Districting, Affirmative Action and Climate Change. These are covered in Ian's piece for entitled "The Simply Breathtaking Consequences Of Justice Scalia’s Death." (

Ian's Twitter handle is @IMillhiser. The website for 'Think Progress' is

Mark Grimaldi's Twitter handle is @MarkJGrimaldi.

(Image Credit: AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)