Igor Volsky Guest Hosts The Leslie Marshall Show

Published: April 6, 2016, 4:27 a.m.

Igor Volsky, Director of Video and Contributing Editor of ThinkProgress.org, guest hosts the show today.

Here are the guests that Igor interviewed along with the topics they discussed. (There were also callers dispersed throughout the show).

1. Elliot Anderson, a Veteran and Nevada Assemblyman, and Erin Corcoran, a Law Professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law.

Igor, Elliot and Erin discuss the push to pressure Republican Senators to give President Obama's SCOTUS nominee, Merrick Garland, a fair hearing. They also discuss the importance of having a full nine-member Supreme Court.

Elliot Anderson's Twitter handle is @ElliotAndersonv.

2. Daniella Gibbs Léger, Senior Vice President for Communications and Strategy at American Progress, and Alice Ollstein, a Political Reporter at ThinkProgress.

Igor, Daniella and Alice discuss the Wisconsin primary and whether it could actually be the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.

Daniella Gibbs Léger's Twitter handle is @dgibber123 and and Alice Ollstein's is @AliceOllstein.

3. Ken Gude, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Igor and Ken discuss the 'Panama Papers' and Donald Trump's inconsistent and erratic foreign policy positions.

Ken Gude's Twitter handle is @KenGude.

4. Michael Madowitz, an Economist at American Progress whose work has focused on labor markets, financial markets, tax policy, household budgeting in different phases of life, and a variety of environmental economics topics.

Igor and Michael discuss the recent minimum wage hikes in California and New York to $15 dollars an hour.

Michael Madowitz's Twitter handle is @mikemadowitz.

5. Igor Bobic, Associate Politics Editor at The Huffington Post.

Volsky and Bobic discuss "The Crazy GOP Presidential Convention Scenario Almost No One is Talking About," a piece that Bobic wrote for The Huffington Post. (Link Here --> http://tinyurl.com/zbfo7d5)

Igor Volsky's Twitter handle is @IgorVolsky.

The website for "The Center for American Progress" is www.AmericanProgress.org and their Twitter Handle is @amprog.