How the Digital Far-Right Has Transformed Since the Jan. 6th Insurrection

Published: June 22, 2021, 6:55 p.m.

Leslie begins today's show with her 'Ripped from the Headlines' news segment.  
Here are the stories that she gave her take on:

1. THE HILL: "Obama: Voting rights bill must pass before next election"
2. AUDIO: Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) reminds everyone that today's vote in the Senate is the beginning of a very long fight on voting rights. Democrats are going to force Republicans to vote on every piece of the For The People Act if they filibuster the bill today as expected
3. AXIOS: "The Senate’s “too-big-to-fail" bipartisan infrastructure plan"
4. AXIOS: "Court blocks California assault weapons ban repeal"
5. AUDIO: Las Vegas Raiders Defensive End Carl Nassib comes out as gay

Leslie is then joined by Karim Zidan, an investigative journalist for 'Right Wing Watch,' a project of People For the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations in order to expose their extreme agenda.
Leslie and Karim discuss how the far-right has transformed online since the January 6th Capitol insurrection.

The website for Right Wing Watch is and their Twitter handle is @RightWingWatch.  Karim's handle is @ZidanSports.