Do Something Now: The Campaign to Stop Gun Violence

Published: Aug. 12, 2019, 7:02 p.m.

The guest host for today's show is Brad Bannon. Brad runs Bannon Communications Research, a polling, message development and media firm which helps labor unions, progressive issue groups and Democratic candidates win public affairs and political campaigns. His new show, 'Deadline D.C. with Brad Bannon,' airs every Monday from 3-4pm ET.

Brad is first joined by T. Christian Heyne, the Vice President of Policy at 'Brady,' an organization that unites Americans from coast to coast, red and blue and every color, to end gun violence.

The two discuss the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings, and what it will take to finally see some action on passing gun reforms like universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. They also discuss what has been preventing common sense gun reforms in America, and how we can break through to make progress.
Christian also shares details from his own personal story of how he got involved in the movement to prevent gun violence, which happened after a man with a history of violence shot his parents on Memorial Day 2005.

The website for 'Brady' is and their Twitter handle is @BradyBuzz. Christian's Twitter handle is @TChristianHeyne.

During the second half of the show, Brad leads a political round table with two guests who continue the discussion on mass shootings and gun reforms. They also analyze the role of the NRA, and unlimited political contributions, in stopping any common sense gun reforms from being passed in Congress and signed into law by the President.

The two round table guests are Thomas Oppel and Mark Grimaldi. Tom is Executive VP for the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), a network of businesses and business associations committed to the triple bottom line: People, Planet, and Profit.

You can find out more about them at and follow them on Twitter at @ASBCouncil. Tom's handle is @tpoppel.

Mark Grimaldi, or 'Marky Mark' as Leslie Marshall calls him, is the Executive Producer of this show and a Democratic Activist. His Twitter handle is @MarkJGrimaldi.

Brad writes a column every Sunday on the 2020 Presidential race for 'The Hill.' He's on the National Journal's panel of political insiders and is a national political analyst for WGN TV and Radio in Chicago.
His website is and his Twitter handle is @BradBannon.

(Image Credit: The Washington Post)