Diversifying Voices In Media; Voting Rights with Michele Jawando

Published: Aug. 11, 2016, 6:57 p.m.

Michele L. Jawando guest hosts the show during this hour as well as each Thursday from 3-4pm est. She is the Vice President for Legal Progress at American Progress.

Here are the guests Michele interviews along with the topics they discuss.

1. A. David Morgan, a spokesman for ‘Vote It Loud,’ a national initiative intended to increase civic engagement amongst people of color and empower you to use your VOTE as your VOICE! Vote It Loud’s Twitter handle is @VoteItLoud.
B. Kristian Ramos, Communications and Outreach Manager of Media Matters For America.
Kristian’s Twitter handle is @kramos1841.

Michele, David and Kristian discuss diversifying voices in the media.

2. A. Khyla Craine, Assistant General Counsel at NAACP. Her Twitter handle is @Kcraine and the handle for her organization is @NAACP.
B. Liz Kennedy, Director of Democracy and Government Reform at American Progress. Her Twitter handle is @LizKennedy_.
C. Lisa Bornstein, Legal Director and Senior Legal Advisor at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Her organization’s Twitter handle is @civilrightsorg.
D. Jon Greenbaum, Chief Counsel at Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Jon’s Twitter handle is @JonMGreenBaum and the handle for his organization is @LawersComm.

Michele, Khyla, Liz, Lisa and Jon discuss why it is integral that we restore the Voting Rights Act as soon as possible.

Michele Jawando's Twitter handle is @MicheleJawando. Before working at the Center for American Progress, she served as general counsel and senior advisor to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), where she was responsible for a wide-ranging portfolio of policy issues pertaining to the federal judiciary and nominations; voting rights; women and labor issues; LGBT issues; education; telecommunications; technology; and ethics.

The website for "The Center for American Progress" is www.AmericanProgress.org and their Twitter Handle is @amprog.