David Pepper Discusses His New Book, "Laboratories of Autocracy"

Published: Nov. 19, 2021, 7:51 p.m.

First, Leslie begins today with her 'Ripped from the Headlines' news segment.

Here are the stories that she covered:

1. AXIOS: "House passes Biden's social spending bill, the 'Build Back Better Act'"
2. AXIOS: "Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty on all counts"
3. AXIOS: "FDA endorses Pfizer, Moderna COVID boosters for all adults"
4. AXIOS: "Biden replaces DeJoy allies on Postal Service board"

Then, Leslie is joined by David Pepper, a lawyer, writer, political activist, former elected official, and adjunct professor, and served as the Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party between 2015 and 2021.

The two discuss his new book, "Laboratories of Autocracy: A Wake-Up Call from Behind the Lines."

In his role as Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party , he was engaged in numerous fights and extensive litigation over voter suppression and election laws in the Buckeye State. Stemming from that work, David appeared in “All In”—the documentary highlighting Stacey Abrams’ nation-wide fight for voting rights.

Pepper has written four novels that bridge real-world politics and fiction—including "A Simple Choice" (which will be available this coming June). His first novel, "The People’s House," earned praise for having “predicted the Russia scandal.” The Wall Street Journal named Pepper "one of the best political-thriller writers on the scene.”

David's new book, "Laboratories of Autocracy: A Wake-Up Call from Behind the Lines," can be purchased at his website, which is LaboratoriesOfAutocracy.com. You can also follow David on Twitter, where his handle is @DavidPepper.