#ComeyHearing, #Russia & #TrumpCare with Guest Host Cliff Schecter

Published: March 20, 2017, 7:04 p.m.

Cliff Schecter guest hosts the show today. In addition to being Founder and President of the public relations and political strategy firm, Libertas LLC, he is also a regular guest of Leslie's on the show.

Cliff is joined by two different guests during the show.

First, he's joined by Jordan Karp, Political Consultant for Catalyze, LLC.

The two discuss the special election to replace HHS Secretary Tom Price in Georgia’s sixth congressional district. They also discuss which could hurt President Trump more politically between the FBI’s investigation into Russia-Trump connections and the passage of ‘Trumpcare.’

Jordan's Twitter handle is @karper19.

Second, Cliff is joined by Brett Di Resta, President and CEO of The Maccabee Group and a partner at Democracy Partners.

They continue the discussion on FBI Director Comey’s testimony regarding Trump-Russia ties, as well as ‘Trumpcare’ and its political implications.

Brett’s Twitter handle is @bcdiresta.

Cliff Schecter has worked on campaigns or as a public relations consultant for everyone from former President Bill Clinton to former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation.

Schecter is the author of the 2008 Bestseller "The Real McCain," a columnist for The Daily Beast and sits on the Board of the Ohio Innocence Project.
His Twitter handle is @CliffSchecter.

If you enjoyed listening to Cliff, please consider donating to his GoFundMe page to help him start his own progressive podcast: https://www.gofundme.com/cliff-schecter-unpresidented