College Demands Rape Victim's Entire Sexual History; exploding Marijuana industry

Published: Aug. 12, 2015, 4:36 p.m.

Danielle Guilday and Shane Farnan guest host for Leslie during today's show. They are Producers of "The Thom Hartmann Program."

First, they're joined by Dr. Tracy Kemble, (Ph.D) an international expert on abuse recovery. She discusses Virginia Wesleyan College, who's asking a woman who reported being sexually assaulted to name every partner she has ever had, in its latest response to an ongoing lawsuit.

Then they're joined by a reporter for The Talk Radio News Service, Bob Ney, as he gives us the latest news from the Capitol.

To begin the second hour Danielle and Shane are joined by Cheryl Shuman, Founder of The Beverly Hills Cannabis Club and Executive Director of Moms for Marijuana. She's also known by the New York Times as "The Martha Stewart of Marijuana." They're also joined by Michael Perinotti, a serial entrepreneur with a strong financial background and shifted focus on business opportunities within the rapidly expanding marijuana industry. The four of them discuss the exploding marijuana industry, and how people are now investing in more than the plant itself. They also discuss new evidence that William Shakespeare may have smoked Marijuana.

During the final segment of the show, Danielle and Shane talk about the new film entitled "The Algerian," which
Bob Cesca argues is "an important call for sorely needed cultural dialogue."

You can follow guest hosts Danielle Guilday and Shane Farnan on Twitter @DanielleOnRadio and @ProducerShaneO.