Center For American Progress Takes Over The Show...for a 3rd Time!

Published: March 9, 2016, 4:21 a.m.

Michele L. Jawando guest hosts the show today, and is an absolute trooper as she fights through a bad cold to be with us! She is the Vice President for Legal Progress at American Progress. Previously, she served as general counsel and senior advisor to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), where she was responsible for a wide-ranging portfolio of policy issues pertaining to the federal judiciary and nominations; voting rights; women and labor issues; LGBT issues; education; telecommunications; technology; and ethics.

Here are the guests Michele interviewed along with the topics they discussed. (There were also callers dispersed throughout the show).

1. Tracey Ross, Associate Director of Poverty to Prosperity Program, and Danyelle Solomon, Director of Progress 2050 at CAP.

Michele, Tracey and Danyelle discuss "Lessons from Flint: The Case for Investing in the Building Blocks of Communities of Color" (

Tracey Ross' Twitter handle is @traceylross. Danyelle Solomon's Twitter handle is @danyindc.

2. Helene Krasnoff, Director of Litigation & Law at Planned Parenthood, and Heidi Williamson, Senior Policy Analyst for the Women’s Health and Rights Program at CAP.

Michele, Helene and Heidi discuss the Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt Supreme Court case, which threatens a woman's right to choose.

Heidi Williamson's Twitter handle is @htwilliamson.

3. Chelsea Parsons, Vice President of Guns & Crime Policy at CAP, and Rob Valente, Vice President for Public Policy at the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

Michele, Chelsea and Rob discuss the Voisine vs. United States Supreme Court case, which could put guns in the hands of those who have been convicted of domestic violence.

Chelsea Parsons' Twitter handle is @ChelseaCParsons and Rob Valente's Twitter handle is @robvalentedvpa.

4. Matt Haney, Director of Policy at the Dream Corps, and Shaka Senghor, Author of the new book "Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death, and Redemption in an American Prison."

Michele, Matt and Shaka discuss criminal justice reform and Shaka's book.

Matt Haney's Twitter handle is @MattHaneySF and Shaka Senghor's Twitter handle is @ShakaSenghor.

5. Adam Lioz, Counsel and Senior Advisor of Policy & Outreach at Demos, and Billy Corriher, Director of Research for Legal Progress at CAP.

Michele, Adam and Bill discuss money in politics, including how it's affecting 'down ballot' races and judicial elections in a big way.

Billy Corriher's Twitter handle is @BillyCorriher.

6. Benton Strong, Managing Director of Communications at the Center for American Progress, and Igor Volsky, Director of Video and Contributing Editor of

Michele, Benton and Igor discuss the 2016 Presidential race.

Benton Strong's Twitter handle is @BentonStrong and Igor Volsky's Twitter handle is @IgorVolsky.

Michele Jawando's Twitter handle is @MicheleJawando.

The website for "The Center for American Progress" is and their Twitter Handle is @amprog.