Campaign to #TakeCTRL of Our Privacy Sweeps the Nation

Published: March 4, 2016, 1:40 a.m.

Leslie is joined by Chad Marlow, Advocacy and Policy Counsel at the ACLU, where his focus is on privacy and technology.

They discuss his piece for entitled "A Campaign to #TakeCTRL of Our Privacy Sweeps the Nation (And You Thought Bipartisanship Was Dead)." (
They also discuss how Americans can take back their privacy, and a PEW Research poll showing that 91% Of Americans feel they have no control over their private info. (

Chad Mr. Marlow's work on issues ranging from police body cameras, to government surveillance, to data privacy has been the subject of media coverage throughout the United States, as well as in Europe and South America.

Chad's Twitter handle is @ChadAaronMarlow. The website for the ACLU is The hashtag to use for this campaign on social media is #TakeCTRL.

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