Black Families Work More, Earn Less and Face Difficult Child Care Choices; Student Loan Debt with Michele Jawando

Published: Aug. 11, 2016, 9:04 p.m.

Michele L. Jawando guest hosts the show during this hour as well as each Thursday from 3-4pm est. She is the Vice President for Legal Progress at American Progress.

Here are the guests Michele interviews along with the topics they discuss.

1. Rasheed Malik, Policy Analyst for Early Childhood Policy at the Center for American Progress. Rasheed tweets at @CAPEarlyEd.

Michele and Rasheed discuss his latest piece entitled “Black Families Work More, Earn Less, and Face Difficult Child Care Choices.” (

2. A. Maggie Thompson, Executive Director of Generation Progress. Her Twitter handle is @MaggieKThompson.
B. Zakiya Smith, Strategy Director at the Lumina Foundation. Her Twitter handle is @SmithZakiya.

Michele, Maggie and Zakiya discuss the student loan debt crisis in America.

Michele Jawando's Twitter handle is @MicheleJawando. Before working at the Center for American Progress, she served as general counsel and senior advisor to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), where she was responsible for a wide-ranging portfolio of policy issues pertaining to the federal judiciary and nominations; voting rights; women and labor issues; LGBT issues; education; telecommunications; technology; and ethics.

The website for "The Center for American Progress" is and their Twitter Handle is @amprog.