Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation's Impact on Young Americans

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 6:40 p.m.

Today's guest hosts are Edwith Theogene and Charlotte Hancock, Organizing Director and Communications Director for Generation Progress.

During today's episode, they discuss how, on Monday night, the Senate Republicans (minus Susan Collins) voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court after a rushed confirmation process that occurred while voters across the country were voting early in record numbers. Barrett’s extreme originalist view of the Constitution, which holds that the constitution must be interpreted exactly as it was intended to be interpreted when it was ratified in 1788, means that she is likely to rule very conservatively on the court. And at only 48 years old, Barrett could potentially be on the Court for the next 40+ years, which means that young people may be impacted by decisions that she makes for the rest of our lives.

To break down the hypocrisy of this confirmation process, what is at stake for issues that impact young people in this country, and the potential Court reforms we could see presented in the coming months, they’re joined by Andrea Sosa, the co-executive director of 'Young People For' and Anisha Singh, the Director of Judiciary and Democracy Affairs at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

You can find out more about 'Young People For' by visiting their website at, or following them on Twitter at @YP4 or Instagram at @youngpeoplefor.  Andrea Sosa's Twitter handle is @AndreaSosa.  You can find out more about the 'Planned Parenthood Action Fund' by visiting their website at or following them at @PPact on both Twitter and Instagram.  Anisha Singh's Twitter handle is @Anisha_S113.

The website for "Generation Progress" is and their Twitter Handle is @GenProgress.  Edwith Theogene's Twitter handle is @WhoIsEdwith and Charlotte Hancock's handle is @CharlatAnne.