America's Desperate Need For COVID-19 Pandemic Aid; What Crises President-Elect Biden Will Face on Day One

Published: Dec. 14, 2020, 7:54 p.m.

The guest host for today's show is Brad Bannon. Brad runs Bannon Communications Research, a polling, message development and media firm which helps labor unions, progressive issue groups and Democratic candidates win public affairs and political campaigns. His new show, 'Deadline D.C. with Brad Bannon,' airs every Monday from 3-4pm ET.

Brad is first joined by Sarah Jones, Editor-in-Chief of PoliticusUSA. The two discuss the multiple crises that President-Elect Biden will be facing once he's inaugurated on Jan. 20th.  They also outline what executive orders that Biden could take upon entering office, and what types of obstacles that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may try to place in Biden's way.

Sarah is a 2 time Telly Award winner, and now hosts Politicus News and co-hosts Politicus Radio. The website for PoliticusUSA is and their Twitter handle is @PoliticusUSA. Sarah's handle is @PoliticusSarah.

During the second half of the show, Brad leads a political round-table with Will Jawando and Mark Grimaldi.  The roundtable discusses America's desperate need for COVD-19 pandemic relief, and what President-Elect Biden might be able to do in the way of a stimulus package once he takes office.  Also, as a former member of the Obama administration, Will shares his personal expertise on the Cabinet nominations of President-Elect Biden.

Will Jawando is Councilmember At-Large for Montgomery County, Maryland.  Described as “the progressive leader we need” by revered civil rights activist and Congressman, John Lewis, Will has worked with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Sherrod Brown, and then-Senator Barack Obama.

During the 8-year Obama Administration, Will had the honor of serving as Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, followed by a position as an advisor to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in the U.S. Department of Education.

Will's handle on both Twitter and Instagram is @WillJawando.

Mark Grimaldi has been a progressive political activist for the past 12 years. He volunteered for the campaigns of President Obama (2008 and 2012), Senator Bernie Sanders (2016), Secretary Hillary Clinton (2016), and President-Elect Joe Biden (2020). Mark is also involved in campaign finance reform efforts around the country, and philanthropic efforts for Cancer research. His Twitter handle is @MarkJGrimaldi.

Brad writes a political column every Sunday for 'The Hill.' He's on the National Journal's panel of political insiders and is a national political analyst for WGN TV and Radio in Chicago and KNX Radio in Los Angeles.
You can read Brad's columns at His Twitter handle is @BradBannon.

Watch a video broadcast of the show here: