Interview with Tamara Marie

Published: May 31, 2019, 2:22 p.m.

Tamara Marie is a language coach and the founder of Spanish Con Salsa, a site and podcast that help you learn Spanish through through music, travel, and cultural immersion. In the interview, we discuss: 1) Why high school Spanish probably won't prepare you for traveling to a Spanish speaking country. 2) Why music and dance are such powerful tools in language learning. 3) Why "Spanish is not Spanish" and why you should focus on learning the sounds and vocabulary of a specific Spanish dialect based on your goals and travel plans. 4) Why you shouldn't consider languages "easy" or "difficult." 5) Why one size never fits all when learning a language. 6) Why you need to beware of "false phonetic friends" when learning Spanish. 7) Tamara's tips for learning languages through songs.

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