Kornelia Stephanie Media Group: Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Podcast

Published: June 28, 2022, 7:01 p.m.

b'Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup
Harnessing our power to make a meaningful contribution to the collective
10+ Strategies To Replenish Your Soul Cup

-Look after #1 (You) by starting your day with you and what you need.
-Curate Your Space.
-Allow your unique personal inner wisdom to be present. Listen. Allow it to RISE.
-Borrow something that you know works for someone else.
-Stop; Create the pause; Have awareness about how you feel.
-Acknowledge how you feel.
-Create a tangible way to express your feelings (e.g. journaling, art)
-Give from the overflow. -Write for yourself, and/ or write for others.
-Always return to the breath -Stay true to your passion
-Generate, and hop onto a solution. (What is possible?)
-Take your eyes off yourself, your needs, and your problems, and put your eyes on someone else.
-Touch the land. Ask yourself what can I learn from the nature around me.

Always, To MAKE A Difference
I am the problem. I am the solution. I am the resource.

Featured on this Episode:
Kornelia Stephanie
Nadine Searle
Annie McKinnon
Antonia Manev
Robert Saul
Julie DeLucca-Collins
Diane McClay
Phil Thornley

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