Karel True Independence Inspiration

Published: July 2, 2020, 11:57 p.m.


Karel True Independence Inspiration : Real Independence


Today\'s Show: Karel True Independence Inspiration ! Today, July 2, 2020 Karel talks True Independence Day and the need for Inspiration. Today is really Independence Day. The Lee Resolution was voted on and approved by Congress today in 1776. That means we declared our true independence from Great Britain today. But before we declared out true independence we needed to ratify the verbiage, the Declaration. So, Thomas Jefferson had one handy and it was printed and then read aloud and ratified on July 4. However, John Adams noted to Abigail about the day, "July 2nd will surely be one of the most historic days in the history of the American Epochia..." He was off by two days.


True Independence


What does true independence mean? And how does the idea of breaking free fit in to today\'s society? Today Karel examines how the founders and modern Americans have a lot in common. After all, the Founders had no future with Britain, and there was no America. Today the road is much the same: isolated and a country in shambles. The Founders built; we can rebuild.


What the World Needs Now


Love is usually the answer to the the question, but love is \\xa0nothing without inspiration. Inspiration can be the cause of great art, great policy, great change. Where are the inspiring voices today? Who is an inspiring figure? Recognizing those that inspire and drawing on their challenges can help in these uncertain times.


Nevada Wins


Gambling is Las Vegas, and coming here is a big one. Nevada now leads the country in Covid19 transmission rates. How will this effect your Summer? I will tell you today.


Don\'t forget I am going one a two week vacation to get away from daily issues. I welcome you to watch Life In Segments free and enjoy a year\'s worth of other content. Go back and watch some of your favorite shows, or, listen to new voices. Just be sure and come back in a few weeks!


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