Conversations with Karel, This. Is. It.

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 3:16 a.m.


Conversations with Karel, This. Is. It.


This. Is. It.


Campaign 2020 is over. As of this evening. It\\u2019s done. No more debates, no more campaigning, no more political ads, no more \\u2026 all of it.


But what is next?


It is a night of battle. I find solace in music and sing a little. You should find solace in music as well.


And while you are doing that, realize, you HAVE to go in to this optimistic. You don\\u2019t go in to a battle thinking you are going to lose. You simply do not.


And so, here we are, finally. It\\u2019s final curtain. It\\u2019s the finale. How will it play out?


WE GOT THIS. And if not, then, we deal.


Listen to Karel at and all streaming services including iHeart, iTunes, Spotify and more.
