S5E16- Power show franchise chat (with Tondalaya Jefferson)

Published: Feb. 4, 2022, midnight

In another Black History Month focused episode, Courtney A. Kemp's Power franchise is examined by both actress Tondalaya Jefferson and I! Does this deserve merit as the most urban cable channel show since The Wire? Why is Ghost so perfectly portrayed by Omari Hardwick? What other key figures at Starz premium channel wanted to make this their Sopranos/Breaking Bad equivalent? Now, that we see where Book II and III spin-offs are, what can we expect from Tommy's prequel story in Book IV? What are some other surprisingly effective casting choices on the franchise? Have we ever seen prior as crooked a New York attorney's office as displayed on this show? And more details accounts on how this addicting franchise truly gels! #power #tvshow #epic #franchise #action #crime #drama #plottwists #rappers #actors #OmariHardwick #Ghost #Tommy #50Cent #cool #badass #lawyers #politicians #gangsters #corruption #hypocritical #sleazy #violent #gory #awesome #saga #bookII #BookIII #Bookiv #origin #prequels #CourtneyAKemp #Starz #network #cable #channel #sopranos #breakingbad #bettercallsaul #yellowstone #thewire #underrated #excellent #acclaimed #awardwinning #neat