S3E25- Janus filmmakers Terence Brown & Elvery Tren Peters

Published: April 1, 2021, midnight

Dallas, TX based indie filmmakers, and friends of the show, Elvery Tren Peters and Terence T Brown discuss their original serial killer horror-mystery film, Janus, which is due out soon this year! I get to discuss why their film isn't bottom-of-the-barrel mediocrity and why the slasher in it is well-layered. What do they do different than most filmmakers when it comes to casting and assembling an invaluable crew? How do they avoid the mistakes that most indie filmmakers end up making on their first feature film?? What sets this apart from most cat-and-mous thrillers??? And more epic questions geared towards the character development, film festival screenings and breaking ground in a rather popular yet often formulaic genre!   #JackedUpReviewShow #Podcast #Janus #indiefilmmaking #ElveryTrenPeters #TerenceTBrown #cinematographers #writers #directors #actors #serialkillers #demonic #indiefilm #featurefilm #2021 #awesome #catandmouse #suspense #mystery #horror #brilliant