Retro Halloween Month- James Cameron’s iconic work (with DeRazzled’s Joe & Jack, Genre Exposure’s Jason, Jon Mark, Keeshia Lacy, Doctor Popcorn, Pods Like Us’ Martin Quibell & Mike Hartshorn!)

Published: Oct. 12, 2022, midnight

The Roger Corman assistant and John Carpenter based art director turned superstar box office conquerer and Kathryn Bigelow career launcher has many ups and downs as a person but is mostly invincible movie-wise.  In yet another HUGE get-together, we sit down and detail how we literally saw most of his resume in cinematic order. Who will he pass the torch to on the Avatar sequels? Is Titanic more overrated than Avatar? Who are the most unlikely people James has helped out? Is Terminator or Aliens saga his greater contribution to cinema? What are the freakiest and thrilling on-screen moments in his flicks to date? Why is he such a hard-ass with actors yet often gets his editing and camera shots done on his own time? And more facts about the Canadian turned American filmmaker!