Quick Food Hacks for Feeding 5 kids | Keeping Appetites Under Control

Published: Feb. 15, 2022, 11 a.m.

b'Feeding multiple kids can often be somewhat time consuming, especially when they all vary in age and needs. Feeding Elijah is different from all the other kids because he\\u2019s a newborn and therefore feeds from Rosie directly, which she likes to do after feeding everyone else dinner. We like to make smoothies for the kids and we add protein powder with berries to help give them their daily need of protein and fruit. Understanding how to be ahead of your kids and control the snacking will help you have hungrier kids who will eat what you serve them at dinner time.

Feeding Elijah 0:27
The other kids 1:16
For protein and fats 3:52
Lunches 4:19
Making sure they eat dinner 6:31

\\u201cI know that if Daithi is so hungry and same with Paddy, they\\u2019re a lot less fussy and everything tastes better, but if they\\u2019ve filled up on snacks, dinner doesn\\u2019t taste as good\\u2026 When you\\u2019re hungry from school, everything tastes good, but once you\\u2019ve snacked on loads of stuff, it just doesn\\u2019t taste as good. It\\u2019s not as desirable.\\u201d 8:30
