Is Nato obsolete?

Published: Dec. 19, 2019, 3:30 a.m.


Donald Trump is threatening to withdraw the US from Nato while the French President Emmanuel Macron has called it \\u201cbrain dead\\u201d. Charmaine Cozier asks if the 70-year-alliance can survive?

She speaks to Jacob Heilbrunn from The National Interest think tank \\u2013 a right of centre foreign policy think tank based in Washington; Fabrice Pothier - senior defence consulting fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies and former Nato policy planning director; Sara Bjerg Moller, assistant professor of international security at the School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University in the US; Elisabeth Braw, senior research fellow, RUSI's Modern Deterrence project

Producer: Helen Grady

(Photo: President Macron, PM Boris Johnson and Canada's PM Justin Trudeau at the Nato summit reception. Credit: Nato TV/AFP/Getty Images)
