Can We Stop a Mass Extinction?

Published: Jan. 10, 2019, 3:30 a.m.


Human activity is sending animals and plants extinct. But there is a fightback going on. Scientists all over the world are coming up with radical solutions to save them - from transplanting polar bears, to \\u201cde-extincting\\u201d a very strange frog. And experts say each one of us can make a difference.

So is it too late to save the planet, or can we stop a mass extinction?

Contributors include:

Dr Simon Clulow \\u2013 Macquarie University, Australia\\nDr Karen Poiani \\u2013 CEO, Island Conservation\\nProfessor Jane Hill \\u2013 University of York, UK\\nProfessor Thomas Elmqvist \\u2013 Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Presenter: Feranak Amidi\\nProducer: Beth Sagar-Fenton

(image: Romeo, the Sehuencas water frog / Courtesy of Global Wildlife Conservation, Austin Tx USA)
