Infinite Inning 109 Is Vlad Guerrero Jr a Cheese and Other Questions

Published: June 18, 2019, 5:57 a.m.

b'Rachael McDaniel (FanGraphs, The Hardball Times) returns to discuss her new editorial mission and lays out a philosophy of baseball writing. Plus a tale of Billy Martin\\u2019s self-sabotage and Steve bids goodbye to a friend.

Intentional Damage*A Personal Note of Mourning*Rachael McDaniel: Youthful Editor of The Hardball Times*Racist Knitters*Leaving Baseball Prospectus*What Is The Hardball Times?*\\u201cAll They Really Want is What They Know\\u201d*Vladimir Guerrero Jr is like Cheddar Cheese*Writing That Has an Antagonistic Relationship With its Audience*Special Pleading on Behalf of Smokers and the Overweight*Editor\\u2019s Envy*This Temporal World of Baseball/\\u201cThis Could Have Been a Tweet\\u201d*The Tommy Thevenow Analogy*Rachael\\u2019s Favorite Baseball Writer*What If You\\u2019re a Middle-Aged White Guy? (The Middle Feels Like the Beginning Feels Like the End*The Inevitable Blue Jays Question*Goodbyes.'