Episode 171 Surfing Monster Waves, Mastering Fear & Flow State w/ Laird Hamilton

Published: July 6, 2020, 9:06 p.m.

b'Best known as a big-wave surfing pioneer and iconic waterman, Laird has spent his whole life pushing boundaries, in a natural expression of what makes him feel alive. In this free-flowing and insightful podcast you\\u2019ll discover a number new ideas. The key topics discussed, are as follows: How humans have become domesticated, and how we can re-wild ourselves, how we \\u201cshould be humbled by nature\\u201d, so our ego\\u2019s can be put in place, how to condition yourself to deal with fear (\\u201cWhen I was a kid, I drowned every day\\u201d), how you can find flow simply by immersing into nature, the role relationships play in a life design of flow, how to express yourself (as a man) in a healthy way, why it\\u2019s important to take control of your destiny and be successful on your own terms, how Laird raises his children and how to train your intuition and instincts.'