S1 Ep 24: Keep on going

Published: Sept. 28, 2020, 11 p.m.

 Hey guys I am back after a much needed break. I'm sorry it's been a while but life has been busy. This is an episode that is honestly spoken straight from the heart. I love being a positive voice and sharing uplifting things, but I think there also something incredibly uplifting from being open, honest and raw with our struggles. 

 Today I felt like talking about what it was like going from a drug addict to a "mormon". It wasn't always easy. Even now at times I feel like it's hard being "different". I'm going to let you in on a little secret, EVERYONE HAS STRUGGLES. Even me. Although a lot of my journey in recovery and finding faith and conversion to Jesus Christ has been incredibly easy, there has been times it has been incredibly hard.

The message today is simple. We all struggle. Everyone is different. But if you feel like an outcast, a loner, a sinner, or even just feel frustrated, don't give up. Keep trying, keep going. Christ knows you, he loves you and he has the power to bring you happiness and joy.