Episode 14 - Kelly Shares About Sexual Trauma and It's Impact on Her Life

Published: Sept. 9, 2021, 11 p.m.

While it's a difficult truth to digest, sexual trauma impacts many people's lives here in the United States. 

 According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center: 

  • One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime.
  • Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of men in the U.S. experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime.

In this Episode, Kelly opens up about her first sexual experience the night of her father's burial that left her feeling empty and abandoned.  She explains how this experience left her broken and started her down a long dangerous road of risky sexual behavior that lasted for decades.  

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@Jessica_mountainmama (Jessica Butterfield)
@Thefaithseed ( Kelly Thompson) 

If you struggle with food addiction and are interested in coming to a recovery meeting email Kelly at thefaithseed@gmail.com