Unearthing World War II mass graves and the Boston bombing

Published: April 15, 2023, 2 p.m.


Max Pearson presents a collection of this week's Witness History and Sporting Witness episodes from the BBC World Service.

We hear about the unearthing of a mass grave in Sernyky, Ukraine, in 1990, and when the Boston Marathon was the target of a terror attack in 2013.

This programme contains distressing details.

Contributors:\\nJames Bulgin - head of public history at the Imperial War Museum in Britain.\\nRichard Wright - archaeologist.\\nJonathan Dimbleby - broadcaster.\\nEdward Deveau - Watertown Chief of Police.\\nCharles Barnett - managing director of Aintree Racecourse.\\nGary Anderson - designer.

(Photo: David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe. Credit: Getty Images)
