The Invasion of Iraq

Published: March 18, 2023, 3 p.m.


A compilation of stories marking the 20th anniversary of the American led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

Caroline Hawley, who was the Baghdad correspondent for the BBC at the time, speaks to Max Pearson about reporting on Iraq.


Lubna Naji - schoolgirl in Baghdad when the war broke out.\\nYasir Dhannoon - became a refugee when he fled Iraq. \\nGeneral Vincent Brooks - first revealed the playing cards to help US troops identify the most-wanted members of Saddam Hussein's government.\\nMuwafaq al Rubaie - was asked to help to identify Saddam Hussein after he was captured. \\nBanwal Baba Dawud - brother to Ammo Baba.

(Photo: US Marines help Iraqis take down a Saddam Hussein statue in Baghdad. Credit: RAMZI HAIDAR/AFP via Getty Images)
