How Spouses Can Create a Successful Business Together with Greg & Holly Johnson

Published: Nov. 18, 2015, 3:50 a.m.


If you have ever wondered, how two spouses can create a successful business together, then this episode of The His & Her Money Show is for you. Entrepreneurship gives you the opportunity to create a legacy for years to come.

Who better to create that legacy with, then your spouse? For many, the thought of creating a business with your spouse can seem a bit daunting and overwhelming.

With that thought in mind, we sat down with Greg & Holly Johnson of Club Thrifty. They detail their journey of successfully transitioning from both of their 9 to 5 jobs, into full-time business owners.

Not only will their story inspire you, but it will show you that you have what it takes to accomplish your entrepreneurial goals as well.
